Monday, July 28, 2008

Those are big shoes to fill...


My daughter's new favorite food. Eda-mommy beans. (as she likes to call them). I shouldn't have been surprised. They are finger food. They pop - sometimes sending beans all over the table/floor/into my dog's mouth. Perfectly child-friendly.

The obsession with Edamame has increased significantly over the past two weeks. I wouldn't serve them for breakfast and she cried. We had none in the house- she told me to go to the store. I'm pretty sure if all I put out for meals now was M&Ms and Edamame, I'd have one happy child.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Friday... or is it?

What sucked most about this week is that all week long I thought it was further on in the week than it actually was.

Kinda made today feel anti-climactic.

Certainly didn't help my weekend-forward mind that I checked my email after I got home tonight. Found an email from my boss calling me into a v.important meeting on Monday. I think its the announcement they've been teasing for two weeks.

Dammit. Now all weekend I'm going to be thinking about that!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Heath Ledger

Don't usually DVR an E True Hollywood Story, but this weekends Heath Ledger episode caught my eye. What a sad story. And such a talent.

Heath said something in an interview that struck a nerve. When talking about his daughter he said that it gave him a new found appreciation for his own mortality. Before Matilda, he lived life to the fullest and felt like his life could end at any time, and he would be fine.

Having a child changed things. He was even more so fulfilled and now no matter what- a piece of him would always live on- but at the same time, there was a drive to stay alive to be there in the moment with your child.

They ruled out suicide and declared it an accidental overdose of Rx drugs. I believe it truly was a careless mistake for a young man wise beyond his years.

And now Batman is arrested for assaulting his mom and sister? WTF? Hoping that the Bale family is a whole lotta crazy and that Chrisitian is not the monster they are portraying him to be...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Restructure my @ss

The title of today's blog relates to what almost came out of my mouth when speaking to my boss. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

So, if you haven't guessed already, we're going through a little restructuring. Not pleasant, but could be so much easier if properly communicated.

Guess that is where my "leaders" are lacking. In recent months I've daydreamed about my old life... when I worked at an agency and not an in-house shop. Stress was there, don't get me wrong. You worried about forecasting and bringing in a certain amout of $ each month and logging your hours to the quarter hour. BUT.... there were perks.

As I do every morning, I read ADAGE and laughed my butt off reading this article on advertising agencies and their fancy for adult beverages in the office. HA! When I was a youngin' I couldn't believe it when I heard folk-lore about kegs in the office... but then I entered the real world of MAD MEN and were introduced to 4pm happy hours. And, btw, back to work!... Buzzed!!

I reserve my reserve for home these days...and tonight with vino in hand I am counting down the minutes until the weekend. Sh&'s only Tuesday! Doesn't bode well for the rest of my week.


Sunday, July 20, 2008


Been contemplating my own mortality a lot these days. Reading a thought provoking book about GOD (or lack thereof), and witnessing the downfall of a great 87 year old woman.

A few pearls of wisdom from this 87 year old powerhouse:
- Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
- Play the lotto. (winning a million is the only thing left to do on her bucket list)
- Don't smoke.
- Awesome is the worst word in the English dictionary.
- Eat well, laugh often and enjoy life.

This is a woman who really feels as if she's had a good life. The hardest part now is that she's committed to a rehab facility and this will probably turn into a long term care situation. This is a woman who led a clean life. Didn't smoke. Hardly drank. Laughed a lot. I guess the thing I'm tortured by the most is she led a good life and this is how it's ending.

I think I'd rather go out with a bang. Maybe I'll live on the edge a little bit more so that some of my vices take me. Having all your faculties at 87 and having to push a button to request to use the bathroom/ get a pain pill is not my idea of living-well.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Letter to my colleague:

Dear black strappy sandals:

Pardon me. Pretty sure that Mr. Tidy Bowl was not invited to the conference call. When I came by to do my womanly business in the 3rd floor toilets outside the elevators I didn't know that my flush would be broadcast to your meeting.

Why is it that I was embarassed to flush, when I'm pretty sure the only chatter Emily Post would say is acceptable in the loo is the kind, quick exchange while washing hands.

What amazes me the most is that this is the second time I've encountered this situation since working where I do. AND, that Ms. Black Strappy Sandals, you were not the same feet as the first time around...which means that we have two guilty culprits on our hands.

Ladies, ladies, I implore you. Exit the call for a bio break. Just because the bluetooth is hooked to your ear, it does not mean you have an open invitation to pee and keep the convo going. Puhlease......

Bathroom etiquette police

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Negative M&Ms

This was a great weekend. 3 days off from work. Only caught myself talking/thinking about work about a half a dozen times (that's pretty good, right?)

With such a span of time at home and with no place to be- we took Potty Training serious this weekend. Panties all day with pull ups only at bed and naptime. Nat did great! (I think...)

I promise to keep Poop-Posts to a minimum. But here goes...the P and P log and subsequent M&M tally:

- No messes Friday. Big girl panties on almost all day! Only caveat- we took a trip a few hours out of the house and put pull ups on. That seemed to give her the "ok" to poop in them without telling me. Argh. M&M log: approx. 5
- Saturday: Pooped in her pants in first few hours wearing panties Saturday. You kidding me? The only reason we knew is that she went reaching for tissues to wipe her hands.. Yep folks.. she reached down in there. All in all, a good day though. M&M tally: approx 5
- Sunday: Freaked myself out a bit because we went grocery shopping in the a.m. which is the first time I've ever left the house with her in big girl pants. Was great all morning. Afternoon- a little trip to Lowes... all dry! During dinner we realized its been about 3 hours since last potty trip but each time I ask her, she says, "No...not yet!" -- and in this snarky tone. Granted, I must ask her about 20x an hour, so I can imagine she's sick of me hounding her... but c'mon, what's a mom to do? M&M tally: approx. 3
- Sunday night: ARGH! I knew I should have insisted she sit on the potty after dinner. She not only wet herself, but when I put her in the tub she pooped. We've taken like 15 steps back.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

OCD...just a little bit

Can you be just a little bit OCD?

There are certain family members of mine who I would definitely describe as OCD. Even my little one has a little bit of it in her. (Did I mention the time at 2 yrs she put all the crayons back in the box, taking special care to ensure they were facing the same way?) A) What child puts things away, b) ALL the same way? There was a split second where I sighed in relief because one crayon went in "backwards"... but no, she realized it quickly, pulled it out and reinserted correctly. Yikes.

So today, we have a little bit of spring cleaning going on here at our casa. There is nothing more that I love than having everything organized. I am not the most organized person I know- heck, I could rattle off a handful of friends, cousins and co-workers who are cleaner, more organized and more OCD than me...

It provides such relief... to know that something is where it should be. So that when I look for it again...ha! There it will be. Dropped a cool $100 in Space Savers this afternoon and have cheerfully been putting things away. I'm gonna sleep well tonight!

Friday, July 4, 2008

I want to live in America

We're at the stage now where little Nat repeats everything we say. It can be stinkin cute...

Last week while driving through DC we picnicked on the tidal basin after driving past a few monuments. We pointed out the White House and KP taught her that it will soon be..."Barack Obama's house".

So last night we were over at moms for dinner and Barack came into our living room, as he often does on the television. Natalie screamed out of joy (she just loves him!) and proclaimed that she saw his BIG WHITE HOUSE. When the commercial was over she pleaded, "Barack Obama, Talk to ME!"

This jump started a conversation on the 4th of July; America and concepts way to big for a 2 year old. KP explained, We live in America. We're in America right now... Our House is in America.

Getting closer to bed time and after red white and blue sprinkle-covered cupcake Natalie was sorta hopped up on sugar, but also getting tired. Mom- I don't want to go home...I want to stay in America!

Which then prompted Mom and KP to break out into West Side Story re-enactment with singing and Rita Morena impressions. Bless America! Happy 4th everyone...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 day work-week

I know I shouldn't be complaining but I have to go to work tomorrow. Haven't been since last Thursday and Independance Day is Friday- yipee! But I really don't want to go to work tomorrow....

Maybe if I treat work like "I survived a Japanese Gameshow" I will be able to get through the day.

Do you think anyone will notice if I, a) speak a different language than everyone else, b) wear protective eye gear to all my meetings, and c) talk back to my Mama-San?

Two days... (15 actual work hours!!!) and a pot luck 4th of July luncheon... I can do it... I can get through my two day work week.
