At closing you could feel the tension across the lawyers table. We got a darn good deal on their house. And they weren't happy about it.
He was tall, bald and snarky, with a much prettier wife than he probably deserved. She tried to get out of closing at the last minute claiming to have thrown her back out. We both agreed, she was on some pretty good pain meds which barely allowed her to hold the pen to sign the 100 papers.
Pleasantries were few. When we asked what a particular light switch did in the kitchen next to the fridge we got shrugs. You lived there how many years and couldn't tell us what that switch controls? Really? They could care less about sharing info now.
Fast foward one month. We've been living here ONE month give or take a day when FedEx dropped off a package. I opened it because it was addressed to MY address, and had an unrecognizable business name in the "To" section.
3 XL mens golf shirts. Who orders something on May 27th and ships it to your OLD address? Not only did we close a month ago, but the house has been vacant since last fall. Do I try to find the previous home owners? They didn't so much as give us a forwarding phone number or address at closing. Do I go next door and ask one of the neighbors if they can pass-along these shirts?
Or... Do I find a friend who is XL and bestow upon them a very early Merry Xmas? Hmm....
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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