- to work.. 8+ hours a day. Not always in a fun job. Jobs usually give you headaches. Next job- I need to find something I really love. Until then, I will enjoy every penny of the severance package and soak up the mommy&me time. Gives me a warm fuzzy when Natalie says, "mama, you're the best!" out of nowhere.
- to sleeping. Ah.. I love sleep. More so now that I have a child and can't just sleep until I want to. I used to be an up-and-atem kinda girl, but now when my feet are tickled awake I grumble, roll over and try to fend off the full on body tickles from Natalie. Ok, its not a horrible way to wake up.
- to travel. When you go somewhere, why does it always feel like you've been gone forever? Did some reflection, and although my passport needs updating, I certainly have racked up a lot of air mileage. Look forward to more!
- to busy stuff. Errands, eating, mowing the lawn, packing, unpacking, laundry, sweeping, vaccuuming, reading emails, grocery shopping, clothes shopping, shoe shopping, surfing the net, watching the news, watching all the other stuff I've dvr'ed. Loved the Oprah episode where she challenged two families to go technology-less for 7 days and to make family-time a priority. Could we do it? Hmm... Would make the laundry much more fun if we were all doing it while singing like the Patridge Family.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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