Received some unexpected flack upon returning home from vacation. Apparently, with a few drinks in me, I did nothing but slam my new hometown of Fort Mill, SC.
I recalled a few instances when I was doing so- but since the hubby wasn't in the car, it must have meant that I was doing it a lot during the week. Little jabs, here and there, but enough to panic my husband that we have made a HUGE mistake in moving here.
Argh. Sorry.
I couldn't take back what I said- and after reflecting upon it, I really didn't have a different opinion. I have lived in more place than most (but less than my military friends).
Long Island, NY- more specifically, East Northport, NY. Born and raised. It's where a lot of family still remains. Robert Moses Beach #5 during the summers. Romantic moments on the pier at Northport Harbor. My first tattoo in Centereach. Cruising Deer Park avenue (what the hell were we looking for when we were cruising?) We go back about once a year, but the traffic and thick LI accents usually have us rolling our eyes within minutes. Like to visit- especially when we can swing through Manhattan, but don't ever want to live there again.
Washington DC metro- Arlington, Alexandria. Be still my heart. I look back so fondly during this time. I was a newlywed. We got our first apartment. We bought our first house...Adopted a dog. Had my share of bad jobs, and bad commutes, but driving past the monuments on my way to work was always special. I even found it hard to complain about getting stuck behind a motorcade because..How freaking cool that I just saw President Jimmy Carter? Or when I saw Muhammad Ali by the metro...or Newt Gingrich and Cokie Roberts in the parking garage?? George Stefanapolous is really, really short. Heck, I could go on and on. I also met my best friend during this time. Next year will be our 10 yr friendship anniversary. WOW. Being in DC means you are on the pulse of the nation and the world. One of the things I miss the most is the evening news. I felt so wordly. Where I am now- you hear about the man arrested for having sex with his horse. (I wish I were joking).
Cary, NC- this was an unexpected move. We were settled in our jobs/life in DC. I was preggers, and a job offer came up that we couldn't pass up. I had planned to keep working after baby when we were still in DC- but it almost seemed like perfect timing to stop work at 7 months, move to a new city, set up a new house and nest. This is where we brought home our daughter. Installed a fabulous bird feeder that we could watch from our breakfast nook and met a lot of very cool friends. I don't know what I would have done without some of the ladies I met after giving birth- being a stay at home mom was so different and so challenging. We really relied on each other for sanity. We nested in Cary for almost 4 years before our next move.
Fort Mill, SC - or as I like to say, Charlotte, NC- because that would mean that we've at least stayed in NORTH Carolina as opposed to South. Truly we're 2-3 miles south of the border. I do most of my shopping, errands in NC, but SC just gives me the willies a bit. The job opportunity was the grandest of all- a great way to catapult hubby's job into a high profile career. Plus it married his talents with his favorite hobby: Cars. He is challenged but he's also fulfilled. Who could ask for more? Well, me I guess.
I've dropped a job each time we've made a move. My very first job out of college when we got married. Then my Ad agency job in DC. Then the high paying pharmaceutical job with the good benefits. Sheesh. Does anyone see a pattern here? Right now I'm playing the part of Suzie-homemaker. Clipping coupons, making crafts, keeping a preschooler busy, trying not to spend money, wishing I still could afford to get my hair cut at a really nice salon. But we've traded.
My goals are to do more in the city of Charlotte- explore more, see what else there is to offer. It won't ever replace DC in my heart, but its home (for now...)
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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