When did my right to bathroom privacy go out the window? Oh right. Probably when Natalie came shooting out of my va-jay-jay.
It's a good potty training tool to show your child the ins and outs of the bathroom. But somewhere between education and every day life, my bathroom door has become a revolving one. If you make it a quick visit you can get in and out relatively unscathed. Stay in for longer than a few minutes, and she's right up in your grill. "What are you doing Mama? What's that smell?"
Tonight, to cap off a stressful day, and a late husband... my daughter refused to eat dinner. We must have sat there for an hour trying to coax her. I was really gearing up for some Mommy-time.. You know...the kind where I can mentally and physically check out and have a glass of wine (or two!).
As we concluded dinner and counted it as a loss I began the clean up. Right around then Hubby declares he's off to the men's room. This seems to trigger Nat hanging on my leg begging for help with xyz... Great Mommy moment here: I just brush her off and say.. "Go find your father".
While I'm hauling recyclables out to the street Natalie comes running out to tell me that I need to help her because Dad is on the potty.
HUH? Since when does the dad get a pass for bathroom breaks and the mom is always handed the Go to Jail, Go Directly to Jail...Do Not Pass Go!! card?
I need to come back in my next life as a man.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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