Haven’t yet downloaded the Facebook application to my blackberry, but it is becoming increasingly tempting to do so.
For a while I was content to build my site with current, local pals. Then I realized my current, local pals had about a gazillion more “friends” than me. So I branched out. (I’m so competitive.) I allowed the application to search my hotmail and compare against every email address in my book to see who else I might be a facebook-match with. As the friends list grew, the more tempted I was to make it grow even MORE.
Most days I would rather not look back to high school in the least. Some days I get nostalgic. Did I have a lot of friends? Sure. Do I still talk to most of them? Well, no. After a bitter college experience with some of my HS buds- I distanced myself from a few key chickas. Also didn’t hurt that I left Long Island (the horror!). As a Long Islander you find that those that leave aren’t understood. Why would you leave NY? You’re supposed to either move to Manhattan or live in your parent’s basement until your 40, married and have 3 kids.
What possessed me a few weeks ago, I cannot explain. But I used the High School feature and searched for my graduation year. Before I knew it, I was sending notes to friends I hadn’t spoken to since graduation. An old softball buddy, a neighborhood friend who moved to Seattle after high school and who I lost touch with immediately after graduation, a funny guy from HS who also went to Albany with me.
Some of my “links” are nothing more than that- Do you confirm me as your friend? Yes, ok, thanks. We’re now linked. But for others, it’s been super-voyeuristic to see what they’ve been up to for 15 yrs. You surf their site, check out their photos…discover they’re now bald. Who needs a tacky reunion in a hotel conference room?
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
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