This was a great weekend. 3 days off from work. Only caught myself talking/thinking about work about a half a dozen times (that's pretty good, right?)
With such a span of time at home and with no place to be- we took Potty Training serious this weekend. Panties all day with pull ups only at bed and naptime. Nat did great! (I think...)
I promise to keep Poop-Posts to a minimum. But here goes...the P and P log and subsequent M&M tally:
- No messes Friday. Big girl panties on almost all day! Only caveat- we took a trip a few hours out of the house and put pull ups on. That seemed to give her the "ok" to poop in them without telling me. Argh. M&M log: approx. 5
- Saturday: Pooped in her pants in first few hours wearing panties Saturday. You kidding me? The only reason we knew is that she went reaching for tissues to wipe her hands.. Yep folks.. she reached down in there. All in all, a good day though. M&M tally: approx 5
- Sunday: Freaked myself out a bit because we went grocery shopping in the a.m. which is the first time I've ever left the house with her in big girl pants. Was great all morning. Afternoon- a little trip to Lowes... all dry! During dinner we realized its been about 3 hours since last potty trip but each time I ask her, she says, "No...not yet!" -- and in this snarky tone. Granted, I must ask her about 20x an hour, so I can imagine she's sick of me hounding her... but c'mon, what's a mom to do? M&M tally: approx. 3
- Sunday night: ARGH! I knew I should have insisted she sit on the potty after dinner. She not only wet herself, but when I put her in the tub she pooped. We've taken like 15 steps back.
Saint Laurent Sushi Park Paris
1 day ago
Hey there...HR told me about your blog :) Hang in there - one day she'll just "get it" and you will be so amazed!!
Whatever you do, I highly discourage taking out loans on M&Ms to get your sassy tot out of her this economy nothing is certain ;) Remember when you left her with me alone for two seconds (literally) and she peed all over your rug....yeah...good times!
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